General PKM
I want to…
Understand Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) better: Intro to Personal Knowledge Management Understand the differences between Obsidian and Roam Research: Obsidian vs. Roam Research Make better use of my notes: Note-Taking vs. Note-Making Figure out how to connect and transclude notes Connecting Notes & Bidirectional Linking Read about how Nick Milo applies intentionality to his technology: Nick Milo’s Mindfulness Monday Interview
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Intro to Personal Knowledge Management
Personal Knowledge Management systems (or PKMs) are all the rage lately. Collecting and connecting information from bookmarks and blog posts in a sort of “personal wiki” using tools like Roam Research and Obsidian can help you see your ideas from different perspectives. This can have big benefits not just for lifelong learners, but for anyone who is looking to do their best creative work.
But before you can really make the most of personal knowledge management apps and services, you need to understand a little bit about how they work.
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Start Here
General PKM
Obsidian Setup
Task Management
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Daily Questions in Obsidian
I’m a big fan of the mindfulness I gain from journaling, but have been searching for years for the perfect set of prompts that could completely eliminate the friction from my daily journaling workflow. I’ve tried many different prompts (and many different apps) over the years, but have settled on a practice called Daily Questions which has just clicked for me.
In this post, I’m going to share how I implement my Daily Questions inside of Obsidian.
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Connecting Notes & Bidirectional Linking
One of the most powerful features of an app like Obsidian is the ability to make connections between the notes that are in your library. In this article, I’ll show you the different ways that you can connect notes and how you can use the bidirectional links that are created to navigate your notes effectively.
Connecting Notes Here is a note that I use as a workbench where I formulate my own thoughts on the topic of habits based on everything that I have read, learned, and collected.
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Changing Your Obsidian Theme
The appearance of the interface Obsidian is controllable by CSS, but fortunately you don’t need to be a web developer in order to customize the look and feel of Obsidian using Community Themes. In this post, we’ll walk you through how to install and use a new theme in Obsidian.
Obsidian ships with a default theme that actually looks pretty good, especially if you already like the look of dark mode on your Mac.
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Capturing to iCloud Drive & Obsidian from Drafts
Obsidian is great at a lot of things, but quick capturing text is not one of them. I prefer to quick capture my text in Drafts and then send it to Obsidian using Drafts Actions. Unfortunately, if your vault is stored in iCloud Drive, this hasn’t always been possible. But thanks to the Bookmarks feature added in Drafts version 28, you can now store text outside of the Drafts iOS sandbox.
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Callback URLs in Obsidian
One of the things I love about Obsidian is that it offers support for callback URLs. For example, you could include a link to a specific note inside of a task in Things or a link to an email message from your Daily Notes in Obsidian.
In this article, I’ll show you a couple of ways you can connect things in Obsidian to other apps.
Linking to a Note in Obsidian Each note in Obsidian has its own callback URL that you can use to access that note directly.
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Appending Drafts to Dropbox Daily Notes in Obsidian
Drafts has long been the place that text starts on my iOS device. But lately I’ve been doing a lot more in Obsidian, and was looking for a way to get that text into Obsidian easily when I was done. While this is pretty straightforward using a cloud service like Dropbox to sync your vault, I then began wondering if I could do something more than just dump my text files in a synced folder.
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A Few of Our Favorite Obsidian Plugins
Obsidian is a phenomenal notes app, but with a few free community plugins installed, it can become pretty much whatever you want it to be. In this article, we’re going to show you how to install community plugins if you’re not familiar with the process and share some of our favorites.
How to Install Plugins in Obsidian There are two kinds of plugins in Obsidian:
Core plugins that ship with the app Community plugins developed by others The community plugins are where a lot of the magic happens.
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